Bidding Goodnight to Our School Year

Today marked our last meeting of the year together as a staff, which always prompts a moment of reflection. As children’s books provide poignant life lessons, I will defer to one of my favourites, Goodnight Moon, which I have often read to my own children in recent years.

While written for young children, Goodnight Moon also serves as a beautiful metaphor for celebrating the conclusion of our 2023-2024 school year at ISZL. Just as the book gently bids goodnight to each cherished object, we, too, bid farewell to a year filled with growth, learning, connection, and community. 

Each page of “Goodnight Moon” reminds us to appreciate the small details in our surroundings and to be present in the moment. The soothing rhythm of expressing gratitude for the meaningful objects in our room (or what is meaningful in our lives) is calming and reassuring.

Each page echoes the warmth and security we feel within our school, a place of inclusion, care, and a sense of belonging. The book reminds us to find joy in simple pleasures. Bidding goodnight to the world reminds us of the importance of rest and self-care, and the opportunity to start a new day, or in our case, a new year, fresh and rejuvenated. 

As we wish our school year a “good night”, we acknowledge the accomplishments and memories we have created together. This restful slumber symbolises a well-deserved break for our community, allowing us to rejuvenate and reflect. 

With the dawn of the school year ahead, we look forward to new beginnings, continued learning, and the promise of further fostering our vibrant ISZL community. 

Let’s embrace this transition from one year to the next with the same gentle, hopeful spirit found in “Goodnight Moon,” ready to awaken refreshed and inspired for the journey ahead.

ISZL’s Bel Canto Choir, led by David Smith, performed a beautiful rendition of Goodnight Moon, adding a melodious touch to our farewell and setting a harmonious tone for the coming year.

We can’t forget that ISZL’s Eddie the Eagle also joined us in bidding goodnight to our 2023-2024 school year.

If you are interested in learning more about the history of the book Goodnight Moon, the podcast from is fascinating (Thank you, Valerie Koch for sharing).

Feature Photo Credit: AI Generated

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