Celebrating New Beginnings

The first day of school is always a momentous occasion, and today was no exception. As the first rays of dawn illuminated our campuses this morning, they also ushered in the promise of fresh beginnings. With the arrival of our students, ISZL’s once quiet halls and open spaces were instantly transformed, infused with the vibrant energy of excited voices, laughter, and the joy of reconnecting with friends, old and new. These moments truly bring our school to life—a celebration of our community uniting to embark on another year of shared growth and discovery.

The morning has been filled with awe, wonder, and renewal, perfectly capturing the essence of hope embodied by our young learners. I have always felt that the cyclical nature of a school year is profoundly motivating and a unique privilege, offering us a fresh start with each new chapter and an opportunity to dream bigger, strive further, and achieve more than we ever imagined.

Today’s culminating and transformative morning would not have been possible without the unwavering dedication and commitment of our talented ISZL staff and the partnership with our families. It is this shared, human endeavour that embodies the spirit of ISZL, setting the stage for this exciting new chapter.

One of ISZL’s greatest strengths is the remarkable sense of community that unites us all—students, staff, and families alike. Our school is a place where care, kindness, and mutual respect are not merely ideals but the foundation of our shared journey. With more than 60 nationalities, we take pride in our rich diversity, celebrating each member’s unique perspectives and experiences in our community.

Together, we will continue to build a school where every individual feels valued, supported, and empowered to make a positive impact—a place where learning is turned into meaningful action, and where we are all committed to making the world, or at least our corner of it, a better, kinder place.

Wishing everyone all the very best for an inspiring and successful 2024-2025 school year!

With gratitude,


Nikau (Therapy Dog) and Eddie the ISZL Eagle