Change is Not Optional

During this week’s AdvancED conference, Will Richardson, a leader in the area of social online learning networks and education, shared a thought provoking key note address. While the presentation associated with the talk may be difficult to follow out of context, there are striking photos and quotes that may be of interest and can be viewed through the following link: Will Richardson Presentation. In terms of the talk, there are two main points I would like highlight in this posting.

Scarcity versus Abundance

The talk referred to a “period of scarcity” in education when teachers were the keepers of knowledge and bestowed this information on students through traditional schooling structures. Access to information for students relied heavily on classroom settings in brick-and-mortar buildings. This paradigm has been substantially shifted through advances in technology. While students previously accessed information through their teachers and the selection of books in their16148512 classrooms and libraries, students can now access, arguably, the entire sum of human knowledge through a single handheld device.  How do educators transform instructional approaches from a model that addressed scarcity of information to one where there is an overabundance? This is a question without a clear answer, which makes the issue both exciting and formidable. What we do know is that the shift from scarcity to abundance makes schooling look very different from the schooling of today’s adults.

Change is Not an Option

Schools that choose to ignore the transformative societal changes taking place around us do so at their own peril.  Clay Shirky, a writer who focuses on the social and economic effects of Internet technologies, believes that, “the change we are in the middle of isn’t minor…and it isn’t optional.”  Schools will continue to face tremendous challenges as they redefine schooling such that student learning embraces an era of abundance of information, rather than clinging to a model based on a premise of scarcity.  In my current role as a school director, I can assure you that the challenges before us can feel a bit daunting at times. However, these same challenges represent an exciting and important challenge for all educators. Change is not an option given the now ubiquitous presence of technology that is redefining significant aspects of our lives. When referring to learning and technology, Will Richardson stated that students are waiting for adults to catch up to them.  I would modify this statement, as I believe students are not waiting but, rather, rushing forward with or without us. Schools must find a way to lead through this transformation, rather than continuously playing “catch up.

Barry Dequanne

Featured image: cc licensed ( CC BY 2.0 ) flickr photo by Milica Sekulic:


A Remarkable Legacy

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”   ~ Nelson Mandela

I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have lived in Swaziland from 1993-1995, traveled often to South Africa, and developed relationships with so many of the gracious and impassioned people from the region.

Mandela Collage


Photos: Home in Swaziland; Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa

Nelson Mandela’s release from prison and 1994 presidential election represented a euphoric and inspirational time, to say the least. To emerge from 27 lost years in jail with a focus only on peace, reconciliation, and diplomacy is an example for us all as individuals to work towards a better world. His legacy will be as one of the greatest and most remarkable leaders of our time.

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”  ~ Nelson Mandela

RIP Madiba




Um Legado Notável

“Educação é arma mais poderosa que você pode usar para mudar o mundo” – Nelson Mandela

Ao refletir sobre o pilar de liderança da EAB, eu não consigo pensar em uma pessoa que seja mais emblemática aos ideais de liderança da EAB do que o Nelson Mandela. A libertação do Nelson Mandela da prisão e a eleição presidencial de 1994 representaram no mínimo um momento de euforia e inspirador. Para emergir de 27 anos perdidos na cadeia, com o foco apenas na paz, a reconciliação e a diplomacia são um exemplo para todos nós como indivíduos, de como trabalhar para um mundo melhor. Seu legado será ter sido um dos maiores e mais notáveis líderes do nosso tempo.

Mandela Collage

Eu adicionei algumas outras reflexões em um post no meu blog de Diretor Geral:

Ser pela liberdade não é apenas tirar as correntes de alguém, mas viver de forma que respeite e melhore a liberdade dos outros.” Nelson Mandela.

Descanse em paz, Madiba

