Innovation and Creativity

I am writing this week’s article from 44G, my assigned seat on the plane returning me to Brasilia. It has been nearly two weeks since I departed from Brazil to attend a series of international teacher recruitment fairs, planning meetings, conferences, professional development workshops, and school visits. As with any professional trip of this nature, the challenge with the follow-up is to determine how best to consolidate and apply the essential outcomes within the context of our school’s ongoing growth and development strategies. To that end, the concepts of creativity and innovation, among several other resulting focus areas, emerged as one of the dominant themes of this trip.

During a retreat hosted by the Academy for International School Heads, the school directors in attendance agreed to the American School of Bombay’s (ASB) proposed working definition for the word innovation:

Innovation: an idea, practice, or object perceived as new by an individual, team, organization, or community.

Equipped with this definition, the directors were then asked by Craig Johnson, ASB’s Director, to rank the following industries from the most innovative and relevant to the least:

Agriculture, Communications, Education, Entertainment, Medicine, and Military.

While a debate about the ranking order ensued, there was a general consensus that education was the least innovative among this list of industries. While the reasons for this are varied and complex, it is clear that inhibitors to innovation in education can be attributed to two key areas: (i) the challenge of teaching in a manner that is different from how teachers were taught; (ii) overcoming the adult expectation for children to learn in a manner that is similar to how these same adults learned as students.

David Burkus’ book, The Myths of Creativity, presents the metaphor of a mousetrap, which may be used to better understand the challenge of innovation in schools. While the catchphrase, “If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door,” may be widely believed as a fact, is not necessarily true. Our initial reaction to an innovative idea is usually to reject or ignore the idea. Burkus emphasizes, “Creative ideas, by their very nature, invite judgment. People need to know if the value promised by the new idea is worth the abandonment of the old.”

Since the original and current version of the spring-loaded mousetrap was patented in 1899, over forty-four hundred new versions of a mousetrap have been patented, with several identified as more effective than the original. Yet, it is the original model that continues to be the most popular. Why? Burkus highlights several other examples of resistance to key innovative ideas, such as Kodak’s rejection of their own digital camera invention in 1975, as Kodak did not believe people would prefer digital to film pictures. Sony, in contrast, is now a digital photography industry leader, and has been a key benefactor of Kodak’s inability to embrace its own innovation.

According to Burkus, our natural tendency is to inherently reject innovation, resist change, and act with bias against new ideas, the later of which has been established through validated psychological research. Based on these arguments and the deep, personal nature of education, it is easy to see why education is ranked as one of the least innovative industries. So, how do we move forward in the face of these challenges? Burkus again provides us with helpful advice:

“It’s not enough to merely generate great ideas. Though we live in a world of complex challenges and our organizations need innovative solutions, we also live in a world biased against creative ideas. It’s not enough for an organization to have creative people; it has to develop a culture that doesn’t reject great ideas. It’s not enough for people to learn how to be more creative; they also need to be persistent through the rejection they might face.”

I am not alone in my belief that education is currently undergoing a transformative change process representative of an inflection point in the history of educational reform. While we can speculate, no one can be certain about where this change process will eventually lead us. Only time will determine which of the current innovations in the world of education will prove to be highly effective and become standard practice. EAB is no exception to facing this challenge. However, there are innovative approaches, such as EAB’s new assessment policy, the focus on collaborative learning and associated learning spaces, like the iCommons, that educational research has established and validated as best practices.

Like other industries, education will continue to face challenges associated with establishing and embracing an effective culture of creativity and innovation. Based on Burkus’ work, it is probable that several key innovations, which would likely lead to significant improvements in education, may not come to fruition in the near future. However, we also know that some innovative ideas will be accepted and will soon be recognized as standard practice. By way of example, it is predicted that, in the near future, the pervasive use of technology in learning environments will be second nature, rather than new and innovative.

As I submit this note for publication from seat 44G, I can’t help but reflect on Burkus’ theories about our inherent nature to reject innovation in the context of my current travels. How outlandish it must have seemed when someone first proposed the idea of passengers sending email messages from their airplane seats while jetting across the sky.


Reference: Burkus, D. (2013). The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas. John Wiley & Sons.

Featured image: cc licensed (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) flickr photo by Morten F
Flying from Copenhagen to Oslo

Mission-Driven Learning

“Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.”
~ Friedrich Nietzsche.

The ‘why’ highlighted by Nietzsche is equated, in schools, to foundational documents, such as mission statements. These essential documents act as guiding principles for all facets of education, ranging from day-to-day instructional approaches, to business office and human resource decisions, to the building of new facilities, to educational program implementation, to co-curricular and extracurricular activities, and to long-term, strategic planning.

By way of example, I had the privilege of receiving an invitation to work with our Grade 3 classes on the development of a class mission statement. Once my introduction was completed, the outstanding Grade 3 teaching team led the students through a process to create a unique mission statement for their class. Through an effective and collaborative process, the students worked diligently to arrive at a consensus, which resulted in the following mission statement:

In third grade, it is our mission to explore new things, to make new friends, and improve ourselves so that we can solve problems and become responsible citizens of the world.

This statement will guide the learning and development of all Grade 3 students throughout the remainder of the year. Furthermore, it is no coincidence that the student mission statement expands on the tenets of our school’s overall mission. By design, everything at the American School of Brasilia (EAB) is framed and guided by the school’s key foundational documents.

EAB’s ability to provide our students with the best holistic education possible will be achieved through a partnership between students, parents, and the school, towards the realization of the ideals presented in the mission, vision, core values, and motto.

EAB’s Foundational Documents

The American School of Brasilia serves the International and Brazilian communities by providing a U.S. and Brazilian accredited pre-K through 12th grade program and International Baccalaureate Diploma in a culturally diverse atmosphere. Our English-language school develops and supports the whole child in achieving his or her own potential. Through a differentiated, innovative learning experience, we cultivate responsible and contributing citizens, leaders, and environmental stewards with a strong foundation of academic excellence.

At the American School of Brasilia, each student pursues an excellent academic program in a supportive and nurturing learning environment, whose rigor and relevance is evident through the five pillars of academics, arts, leadership, service learning, and activities. In an EAB education, our students are:
…provided a differentiated education, that optimizes academic potential;
…exposed to the arts, achieving proficiency in at least one area;
…provided the opportunity and support to develop as citizen-leaders;
…engaged in meaningful and sustainable service learning experiences;
…involved in co-curricular activities or sports.

Trustworthiness – Respect – Responsibility – Fairness – Caring – Citizenship

Celebrating Diversity and Cultivating Citizenship


Documentos Chaves

O propósito do Bull-It dessa semana é destacar os documentos chaves da fundação da EAB que incluem declarações da missão e visão da escola, os valores fundamentais e, o nosso lema. Estes documentos essenciais funcionam como princípios orientadores para todas as facetas da EAB, que variam a cada dia, desde as abordagens institucionais, como no escritório de negócios, nas decisões do recursos humanos, com a construção das novas instalações, a implementação de programas educacionais, para as atividades co-curriculares e extracurriculares, e a longo prazo, o planejamento estratégico.
Por exemplo, eu tive o privilégio de receber um convite esta semana para trabalhar com os alunos da 3ª série sobre o desenvolvimento de uma declaração de missão. Uma vez que a minha introdução foi concluída, a excelente equipe de professores da 3ª série levaram os alunos através de um processo de criação a fazer uma declaração de missão única para a sua classe. Através de um processo eficaz e colaborativo, os alunos trabalharam diligentemente para chegarem a um consenso, o que resultou na seguinte declaração de missão:

Na terceira série é a nossa missão é explorar novas coisas, fazer novos amigos e melhorarmos a cada dia para que possamos resolver osproblemas e tornarmos cidadãos do mundo responsáveis.

Esta declaração vai orientar a aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de todos os alunos da 3ª série durante todo o restante do ano. Além disso, não é por acaso que a declaração de missão dos alunos amplia os princípios da missão geral da EAB. Desde a sua concepção, tudo na EAB é moldado e guiado pelos documentos fundamentais da escola.
A capacidade da EAB para oferecer aos nossos alunos a melhor educação holística possível será alcançada através de uma parceria entre os alunos, pais e escola, e através da realização dos ideais apresentados na missão da EAB, visão, valores e o lema.

A Escola Americana de Brasília atua nas comunidades internacional e brasileira, transmitindo uma educação credenciada pelos dois sistemas de ensino, o americano e o brasileiro, atendendo da Eduacação Infantil ao Ensino Médio. Além disso, oferece o International Baccalaureate – IB, expandindo uma atmosfera culturalmente diversa. Nosso sistema educacional, transmitido em língua inglesa, visa desenvolver as habilidades dos alunos como um todo, objetivando alcançar seu potencial. Por meio de experiências de aprendizagens diferenciadas e inovadoras, formamos cidadãos responsáveis e solidários, líderes ativos e defensores do meio ambiente, buscando atingir uma sólida base de excelência acadêmica.

Na Escola Americana de Brasília, cada aluno almeja um programa acadêmico de excelência, em um ambiente de aprendizado acolhedor e solidário, cuja seriedade e relevância se sustentam nos cinco pilares: formação acadêmica, artes, liderança, serviço comunitário e atividades esportivas e extracurriculares.
Na educação da EAB, os alunos:
• recebem uma educação diferenciada, que otimiza o potencial acadêmico;
• são incentivados às artes, atingindo proficiência em pelo ao menos uma área;
• têm oportunidade e apoio para se tornarem cidadãos líderes;
• envolvem-se em experiências significativas, sustentáveis e comunitárias;
• participam de atividades esportivas e co-curriculares.

Confiabilidade – Respeito – Responsabilidade – Senso de Justiça – Solidariedade – Cidadania

Celebrando a Diversidade e Cultivando a Cidadania
Photo Credits: Caira Franklin and Matt Hajdun, Grade 3 Teachers at the American School of Brasilia

We Teach Who We Are

One of the many facets I appreciate about the education profession is the opportunity to begin each year afresh as part of a continuous cycle of renewal. The new relationships, new challenges, and new learning and growth opportunities offered during the school year bring us another step forward towards the self-actualization aspirations we set for ourselves, both as individuals and institutions. Serving a school community in this capacity in conjunction with the corresponding privilege of working with students is indeed a wondrous and meaningful experience for all involved.

To celebrate the return to the learning process and to frame our work for the year ahead, I shared the following quote with the American School of Brasilia’s faculty and staff:


“My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful, and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.” ~Jack Layton

The essential human qualities of love, hope, and optimism underscore the fundamental characteristics of what it means to be an educator, whether in the capacity of a teacher, family member, friend, or supporter. Students need role models who value deep and empowering relationships, who inspire hope for the future, and who are eternal optimists. Schools must be a place where students can achieve their potential in a safe and supportive learning environment that enables them to hope and dream.

In my humble and, albeit, biased opinion, I fully believe that the American School of Brasilia (EAB) is emblematic and embracing of Mr. Layton’s guiding principles. During the first week of school, I was reminded of how much our faculty members not only love their profession and the subject they teach, but also the deep level of care they exhibit for the wellbeing and the learning of our students. I was reminded of how much hope for the future is inspired by teachers, students, and parents, particularly through the positive energy exhibited through their relationships and mutual support. Finally, I was reminded that teaching and learning is an inherently optimistic endeavor. It is comforting to know that EAB’s faculty and staff are eternal optimists when it comes to teaching, learning, and the wondrous potential that can be achieved by all.

In his book The Courage to Teach, Parker Palmer highlights the complexities associated with teaching, which extend beyond curricula, philosophies, and teaching resources, through his statement, “[teachers] teach who they are.” If this is true, then our students are most fortunate to be members of a community filled with talented and passionate people who are, “loving, hopeful, and optimistic”, and fully committed, through education, to changing the world to make it a better place.

the courage to teach

Nós Ensinamos o Que Somos

Uma das muitas facetas que eu aprecio sobre a profissão de educação é a oportunidade de começar de novo a cada ano, como parte de um ciclo contínuo de renovação. As novas relações, novos desafios e novas oportunidades de aprendizado e crescimento oferecidas ao longo do ano escolar nos trazem um passo à frente às aspirações de auto-realização que estabelecemos para nós mesmos, como indivíduos e como instituição. Servindo uma comunidade escolar, nessa qualidade, em conjunto com o privilégio correspondente de trabalhar com os alunos é de fato uma experiência maravilhosa e significativa para todos os envolvidos.

Para comemorar o retorno ao processo de aprendizagem e para contextualizar o nosso trabalho para o próximo ano, eu compartilhei a seguinte citação com os professores e funcionários da EAB:

Meus amigos, o amor é melhor do que a raiva. Esperança é melhor do que o medo. Otimismo é melhor que desespero. Então, vamos ser amorosos, esperançosos e otimistas. E nós vamos mudar o mundo.” Jack Layton

As qualidades humanas essenciais do amor, esperança e otimismo ressaltam as características fundamentais do que significa ser um educador, seja na capacidade de um professor, membro da família, amigo ou apoiador. Os alunos precisam de modelos que valorizam relacionamentos profundos e fortalecedores, que inspirem esperança para o futuro, e que sejam eternos otimistas. As escolas devem ser um lugar onde os estudantes possam alcançar seu potencial em um ambiente seguro e de apoio à aprendizagem que, lhes permita a esperança e o sonho.

Na minha humilde e, ainda, tendenciosa opinião, eu acredito plenamente que, a Escola Americana de Brasília é emblemática e abrange os princípios orientadores do Sr. Layton. Durante a primeira semana de aula, eu me lembrei do quanto nossos membros do corpo docente não só amam sua profissão e a disciplina que ensinam, mas também o profundo nível de cuidado que eles apresentam para o bem-estar e a aprendizagem dos nossos alunos. Lembrei-me do quanto a esperança para o futuro é inspirada por professores, alunos e pais, especialmente através da energia positiva através de suas relações e do apoio mútuo. Por fim, lembrei-me de que o ensino e a aprendizagem é um esforço intrinsecamente otimista. É reconfortante saber que professores e funcionários da EAB são eternos otimistas quando se trata de ensino, de aprendizagem, e do potencial maravilhoso que pode ser alcançado por todos.

Em seu livro, A Coragem de Ensinar, Parker Palmer destaca as complexidades associadas com o ensino, que se estendem além de currículos, filosofias e recursos de ensino. Por meio de sua declaração, “[os professores] ensinam quem eles são.” Se isso for verdade, então os nossos alunos são os mais sortudos por serem membros de uma comunidade cheia de pessoas talentosas e apaixonadas que são, “amorosos, esperançosos e otimistas” e, totalmente comprometida, por meio da educação, para mudar o mundo e para torná-lo um lugar melhor.

Photo Credit: Barry Dequanne

Performance, Not Results?

Last weekend, I had the good fortune and honor to host professional triathlete Tim Don at my home during his four-day visit to Brasilia to compete in Sunday’s 70.3 Ironman triathlon (Race Highlights).  Since I was also training for the race, I was particularly enthusiastic about spending time with a triathlete who won four world titles, represented the United Kingdom at three Olympic games, and is currently ranked as one of the top triathletes in the world.

Tim won Sunday’s Brasilia 70.3 Ironman race setting a course record by completing the 1.8 km swim, 90 km bike, and 21 km run course in 3 hours and 46 minutes.  Yes, that is very fast!  Given that I finished my race 751 positions behind Tim, I thought I would ask him to share the keys to his success. Tim highlighted three essential factors associated with training and racing: consistency, communication, and performance.  What was curiously absent from Tim’s response was the focus on results, but more on that later.

Based on Tim’s successes and the fact that he has never been sidelined due to overtraining, illness, or injury, I wanted to discover what I could incorporate in not only my own training but also my professional and personal lives. This is what I learned.


The maxim, “where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire” is not only apropos to sport but to all facets of our lives.  Tim’s approach is to address problems immediately and directly as soon as they are identified, rather than waiting until the same problem has surfaced on multiple occasions. Regular communication with his support team ensures that any potential injuries are identified and corresponding preventive actions are taken.

While everyone understands the importance of addressing problems as soon as they are encountered, the transference of this philosophy to practice can prove to be more challenging. The goal to ensure our students are receiving the best education possible is achieved through open, honest, and timely communication, which is dependent on the partnership between parents, students, and the school. This partnership is similar to a three-legged stool; if one of the legs is missing, the stool cannot stand on its own.  If an educational program is not standing on its own, then it will be difficult to overcome inevitable conflicts and challenges.  A passive aggressive or “head in the sand” approach to a problem will not resolve the issue.  It is only through open, honest, and expedient communication that we will effectively work together to support our students.

Tim DonConsistency

Tim stressed that consistency does not refer to always performing at the highest level each week, but, rather, being faithful to a carefully established plan that is designed to move us forward, in an incremental manner, toward our goal.  His words reminded me of a prior blog post about the 20-Mile March and the importance of not wavering from a consistent and iterative approach.

When preparing for a marathon, we are not going to start training by running 30 kilometers on the first day.  Rather, we will start with a short distance and gradually build up our endurance over time through a consistent adherence to an established plan.  The concept is the same for students.  Deeper levels of learning are achieved through a regular dedication to study and class attendance, rather than trying to cram for tests during short, intense periods. The former approach will normally result in lasting development and understanding while the outcome of the later is, at best, a fleeting recall of the information associated with the test questions.


I was initially surprised that Tim focused on performance rather than results, especially given that his livelihood depends on winning. However, after reflecting on his words, his approach resonated with me. By way of example, there is a significant difference between finishing a race in third place, ten seconds behind the winner, and finishing in third place, ten minutes behind the winner.  While a third place finish is a good result, it may not necessarily equate to a good performance.  A focus only on results, with the accompanying pressure and stress, may often lead to burnout, injury, and diminished performance.  In contrast, your best performances will usually lead to great results.  In terms of his professional competitions, Tim states the following:

“Some of my best performances have come from races where I have not been on the podium but I have squeezed our every bit of what I had and, as they say, left nothing out there.  I truly walked away with a smile knowing that, sure the win would have been nice, but, on that day, that’s what I had. Control what you can control.  I really try to race like that in every race. I will sprint as hard for 40th position as I would for the win: that’s me, that’s what I do, that’s what I was taught to do.”

Reflecting on these words in the context of our student athletes who are currently competing at the Big 4 tournament, performance is the key.  While we hope students at  the American School of Brasilia (EAB) achieve outstanding results, it is their performance, both individually and collectively, that is of great importance.  Win or lose, we will have much to celebrate if our students are able to perform at their highest levels and “leave nothing out there.”

Transferring this concept to academics, EAB does not narrow the definition of teaching and learning to one where teachers only prepare students for tests (results).  Instead, education at EAB is about students developing in a holistic manner where the school supports the whole child to achieve his or her potential (performance).  Through effective communication, a consistent approach to learning, and a focus on performance, outstanding results will naturally follow, as exemplified through the impressive successes and achievements of EAB students.

Congratulations to Tim Don for his performance at the Brasilia 70.3 ironman race (Interview / 48 Hours with Tim Don)

Photo Credits: Wagner Araújo and Mundotri (


No final de semana passado, eu tive a sorte e a honra de hospedar o triatleta profissional  Tim Don na minha casa, por quatro dias, durante sua visita à Brasília para competir no Ironman 70.3, no domingo (Race Highlights). Como eu também estava treinando para a corrida, eu estava particularmente entusiasmado em passar algum tempo com um triatleta que ganhou quatro títulos mundiais, representou o Reino Unido em três Jogos Olímpicos, e atualmente, está classificado como um dos melhores triatletas do mundo.

Tim ganhou a corrida do Ironman 70.3 de Brasília no domingo, estabelecendo um recorde ao completar os 1.8 km de natação, os 90 km de bicicleta e os 21 km de corrida, em 3 horas e 46 minutos. Sim, isso é muito rápido! Tendo em vista que eu terminei a minha corrida 751 posições atrás do Tim, eu resolvi pedir a ele para compartilhar a chave do seu sucesso. Tim destacou três pontos-chave associados ao treinamento e às corridas: consistência, comunicação e desempenho. O que curiosamente ficou ausente da resposta de Tim foi o foco em resultados. Mas falaremos sobre isso mais tarde.

Baseado no sucesso do Tim e no fato de que ele nunca foi afetado devido ao excesso de treinamento, doença ou lesão, eu queria descobrir o que eu poderia incorporar, não só na minha própria formação, mas também na minha vida profissional e pessoal. Isto foi o que eu aprendi.


A máxima, “onde há fumaça há, geralmente, fogo” . Isso não é apenas referente ao esporte, mas à todas as facetas de nossas vidas. A abordagem do Tim é de resolver os problemas de imediato e de forma direta, logo que são identificados, em vez de esperar até que o mesmo problema venha à tona em diversas ocasiões. A comunicação regular com sua equipe de apoio garante que quaisquer possíveis lesões sejam identificadas, e que ações preventivas correspondentes possam ser tomadas.

Enquanto todo mundo entende a importância de abordar os problemas assim que eles são encontrados, a transferência desta filosofia para a prática pode revelar-se mais desafiadora do que imaginamos. O nosso objetivo para garantir que nossos alunos estejam recebendo a melhor educação possível é alcançado através de uma comunicação aberta, honesta e oportuna, que é dependente da parceria entre pais, alunos e escola. Esta parceria é semelhante à um banquinho de três pernas; Se uma das pernas estiver faltando, o banco cairá. Se um programa educacional não estiver de pé por conta própria, então será muito difícil que ele consiga superar os conflitos e desafios, que são inevitáveis. Uma abordagem passiva-agressiva não vai resolver um problema.  Somente através de uma comunicação aberta, honesta e conveniente é que vamos trabalhar de forma eficaz e em conjunto para apoiar os nossos alunos.

Tim DonConsistência

Tim salientou que, a consistência não se refere à realização de níveis mais altos a cada semana, mas sim, ser fiel a um plano estabelecido cuidadosamente, que é projetado para mover-nos para a frente, de forma incremental, em direção ao nosso objetivo. Suas palavras me fizeram lembrar de um post anterior sobre a Marcha das 20 Milhas e a importância de não vacilar a partir de uma abordagem consistente e interativa.

Ao nos prepararmos para uma maratona, não vamos começar a treinar correndo 30 quilômetros no primeiro dia. Em vez disso, vamos começar com uma curta distância e gradualmente construir a nossa resistência ao longo do tempo, através de uma adesão consistente com um plano estabelecido. O conceito é o mesmo para os alunos. Níveis mais profundos de aprendizagem são alcançados através de uma dedicação regular de estudo e frequência nas aulas, e não com testes intensos em curto prazo. A primeira abordagem, normalmente, resulta no desenvolvimento e entendimento duradouro, enquanto que o resultado do último é, na melhor das hipóteses, uma recordação fugaz da informação associada às perguntas do teste.


No início eu fiquei surpreso ao saber que o Tim focava no desempenho ao invés dos resultados, especialmente tendo em conta que a sua sobrevivência depende da vitória. No entanto, após refletir sobre suas palavras, sua abordagem ressoou em mim.  Por exemplo, há uma diferença significativa entre terminar uma corrida em terceiro lugar, dez segundos após o vencedor, e terminar em terceiro lugar, dez minutos atrás do vencedor. Enquanto terminar em  terceiro lugar pode ser um bom resultado, pode não ser necessariamente, um bom desempenho. Os resultados como foco, com pressão e estresse, podem muitas vezes levar à exaustão, ferimentos e desempenho reduzido. Em contraste, as suas melhores performances normalmente irão levar à grandes resultados. Em relação as suas competições profissionais, Tim afirma o seguinte:

“Alguns dos meus melhores desempenhos vieram de corridas onde eu não estive no pódio, mas as que eu dei tudo o que eu tinha, e como costumam dizer, não deixei nada para trás. Eu realmente saio com um sorriso, sabendo que, com certeza, a vitória teria sido boa, mas, naquele dia, é o que eu tinha pra dar. Controle o que você pode controlar. Eu realmente tento correr assim em todas as corridas. Eu vou dar o meu melhor sprint para a 40º posição, assim como eu daria para a vitória: Esse sou eu, isso é o que eu faço, é o que eu aprendi a fazer.”

Ao refletir sobre essas palavras no contexto dos nossos alunos atletas que estão atualmente competindo no torneio Big 4, o desempenho é a chave. Enquanto esperamos os alunos da EAB alcançarem excelentes resultados, é o seu desempenho, tanto individual como coletivo, que é de grande importância. Ganhando ou perdendo, nós teremos muito a comemorar, se nossos alunos forem capazes de desempenhar suas habilidades em alto nível e “não deixarem nada de fora”.

Transferindo este conceito para o lado acadêmico, a EAB não define o ensino e a aprendizagem como apenas um preparo para testes (resultados). Em vez disso, a educação na EAB faz com que os alunos se desenvolvam de uma forma holística, onde a escola possa apoiar a criança como um todo,  alcançar o seu potencial (desempenho). Através de uma comunicação eficaz, uma abordagem consistente à aprendizagem, e um foco no desempenho, resultados excelentes virão naturalmente,  exemplificados através do sucesso e das realizações dos alunos da EAB.

 Photo Credits: Wagner Araújo and Mundotri (


Since several people asked about the race course, I have included the course maps below (click to enlarge).

Swim Course:

Brasilia 70.3 Swim







Bike Course (3 loops)

Brasilia 70.3 Bike

Run Course (3 loops)

Brasilia 70.3 Run

Creating Innovators

What does it mean to be an innovative school?  This is a question we have been wrestling with in relation to both EAB’s mission statement reference to innovation and our responsibility to offer a consequential educational program that keeps pace with societal changes.

The answer to this question will depend on the context of the discussion.  In a local context, many would consider EAB’s implementation, for example, of home learning and standards-based reporting in the Lower School, the move to one-to-one and BYOD devices in the Upper School, and the introduction of late-start Wednesdays to support professional development to be innovative.  While these are all very important and forward thinking initiatives in our local context, it can be argued from a macro perspective that these initiatives are not necessarily new and innovative.

To further address our question about innovation, EAB’s Leadership Team is currently engaging in a book study using Tony Wagner’s, Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World. The Team’s readings and reflections have led to a reframing of our question, from seeking to define what it means to be an innovative school to the question of, “How do we create the next generation of innovators?”  Through Wagner’s extensive study of high profile innovators who have achieved noteworthy success in our current society, he identified one key common theme among all of these individuals.  In every case, it was during the childhoods of the future innovators that the, “adults in their lives nurtured their creativity and sparked their imaginations, while teaching them to learn from failures and persevere.”

Creating-InnovatorsThrough his research, Wagner goes on to identify a fundamental pattern: “A childhood of creative play leads to deep-seated interests, which in adolescence and adulthood blossom into a deeper purpose for career and life goals.  Play, passion, and purpose: These are the forces that drive young innovators.”  Wagner’s emphasis on the three mainstays of play, passion, and purpose leads us, in turn, to the ideals associated with intrinsic motivation, which is really the crux of this conversation.

Creating Innovators Video Summary

Therefore, how can an educational program lead students to become driven by intrinsic motivation rather than external rewards?  Examining this question from a systems perspective, Wagner highlights the three main stages in the evolution of learning: (1) memorization-based, multiple-choice approach, (2) project-based learning where the problem is already determined, (3) design-based learning, where students learn how to define and frame problems.  The process of defining a problem and then working through innovative and creative solutions has a significantly more profound impact on student learning than the expectation to recall and repeat answers.

Though it was not by my intentional design, it as during one of the recent high school leadership classes I teach at EAB that students naturally exhibited the power of design-based learning. While using the issue of homework to develop debate and communication skills, the students far exceeded the original scope of the project as they decided to extend the activity, formally challenge the school’s current homework policy, and draft their own policy statements.  The prominent feature of the activity was how the students’ discussions evolved from one of entertaining and engaging exchanges (play), to a heated debate over the value of homework (passion), to a determination to influence the school’s current policy to better meet the needs of students and teachers (purpose).  The resulting policy statements, which were researched and debated, were innovative, creative, insightful, and clearly illustrated how students, when presented with the opportunity to define a problem, can demonstrate the ideals of intrinsic motivation, self-direction, and lifelong learning.

To be clear, the students’ initial policy statements failed to address several key homework issues, but this was okay.  It was the process of learning from their mistakes and the perseverance to improve that was most important.  Wagner’s research stresses that the companies recognized as innovative leaders are also the same companies that celebrate failure.  He goes on the emphasis that the word failure should be replaced with iteration, as the key to innovation is to continuously learn from experimentation and mistakes through several iterations.

Returning to the question of “How do we create the next generation of innovators?” education must move away from the false dichotomy that an instructional approach is based on either telling students or letting students learn on their own.  Instead, there must be a balanced approach where students are exposed to new ideas and have some freedom to choose their learning focus while also receiving guidance and support from teachers. To achieve this goal, Wagner suggests the following three steps: (1) Convert most classroom experiences into collaborative problem-solving events led by facilitators (vs. instructors) who engage learners to think and understand the relevance and context of what they learn.  (2) Tailor learning to the individual learner’s experience and competence level based on the results of a pre-test and/or assessment.  (3) Dramatically reduce or eliminate instructor-led slide presentation lectures and begin using a blended learning approach that incorporates virtual and constructive simulations.

It is through these focus areas that the American School of Brasilia will ensure that the evolution of our educational program continues to evolve and embody the ideals associated with an innovative school.

Featured image: cc licensed ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) flickr photo by Orwell Kowalyshyn:

Book Cover Credit: Tony Wagner and Scribner


The Power of Habit

The Power of Habit

Did you know that we conduct 45% of our daily actions with little to no thought? Charles Duhigg, the author of The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, highlights extensive brain research that explains how nearly half of our actions are habitual and not necessarily conducted with conscious awareness.

12609433This concept can be unsettling when applied to our own lives and the organizations we are associated with each day.  The book challenges us to reflect on our habits and identify ways to better both ourselves and our organizations through small changes in our habits.

Duhigg presents a framework to examine our habits and then engage in a approach to create new habits that better meet our personal and institutional goals. The four main steps are to identify the routine, experiment with rewards, isolate the cues, and then create a plan. The following video, narrated by the author overviews these four steps: The Power of Habit Video.

In addition to examining how to improve our habits, Duhigg also delves into the concept of Keystone Habits, which are defined as, “small changes or habits that people introduce into their routines that unintentionally carry over into other aspects of their lives.” To illustrate this concept, my personal example is that of exercise as a Keystone Habit.  When I am able to maintain a regular exercise routine, then several other positive habits naturally follow, such as the need to be organized, to plan better, to carefully monitor nutrition and the number of hours I sleep each night, which lead to more energy, more time for reflection, and better life-work balance, to name a few.

I extended the concept to our students and asked a high school class to think about their Keystone Habits. It was interesting to note how many of them identified how the process of allocating time each evening to plan their schedule and set priorities for their next day would have the greatest impact on their lives.  This is a classic Keystone Habit.

If Keystone Habits were so influential on individuals, then it is natural to consider the same question for organizations. As I reflected on the learning from this book, I was continually drawn back to the question of EAB’s Keystone Habit to ensure we are offering the best educational program possible. To that end, I have been reading the influential work of John Hattie and his writings about learning communities.  In his book, Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement, Hattie flips the approach to school improvement to a focus on learning rather than on teaching. While this may appear to be a simple shift in language, the implications are profound.  As we continue to reflect on EAB’s Keystone Habits, however, Hattie’s language related to learning communities continues to emerge as an important concept to lead our improvement efforts.

Whether it is a reflection on our personal habits or those of the organizations we are associated with, it is helpful to examine the habits that guide our actions each day, especially if up to 45% of these habits are conducted with little to no thought.

Featured image: cc licensed ( CC BY 2.0 ) flickr photo by roland:

O Poder do Hábito

Você sabia que nós conduzimos 45% de nossas ações diárias com pouco ou nenhum pensamento? Charles Duhigg, autor do livro The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, destaca uma extensa pesquisa sobre o cérebro que explica como quase metade das nossas ações são habituais e não necessariamente realizadas com consciência.

12609433Este conceito pode ser perturbador quando aplicado em nossas próprias vidas e nas organizações em que estamos associados a cada dia. O livro nos desafia a refletir sobre os nossos hábitos e identificar maneiras de melhorar a nós mesmos e nossas organizações por meio de pequenas mudanças em nossos hábitos.

Duhigg apresenta uma estrutura para analisar os nossos hábitos e, em seguida, envolver-se em uma abordagem para criar novos hábitos que atendam melhor  nossos objetivos pessoais e institucionais. Os quatro passos principais são: identificar a rotina, experiência com recompensas, isolar os sinais, e em seguida criar um plano. O vídeo a seguir narrado pelo autor resume-se em quatro etapas: The Power of Habit Video.

Além de analisar como melhorar os nossos hábitos, Duhigg também investiga o conceito de Keystone Habits (Hábitos Chave), que é definido como “pequenas alterações ou hábitos que as pessoas introduzem em suas rotinas que, involuntariamente transitam em outros aspectos de suas vidas.” Para ilustrar este conceito, o meu exemplo pessoal é que eu me exercito, tornando a atividade física um Keystone Habits. Quando eu sou capaz de manter uma rotina regular de exercícios, em seguida, vários outros hábitos positivos naturalmente aparecem, como a necessidade de me organizar, planejar melhor,  acompanhar atentamente a nutrição eo número de horas que durmo todas as noites, que me levam a ter mais energia , mais tempo para reflexão, e o melhor equilíbrio entre meu  trabalho e minha vida, entre outros.

Eu ampliei o conceito para os nossos alunos e pedi a uma turma do High School para pensar sobre seus hábitos de Keystone. Foi interessante notar como muitos deles encontraram uma forma de separar um tempo toda noite para planejar e definir prioridades para o dia seguinte e como isso teve um grande impacto em suas vidas. Este é um hábito Keystone clássico.

Se o Hábito Keystone foi tão influente sobre os indivíduos, então é natural considerar a mesma pergunta para as organizações. Ao refletir sobre a aprendizagem a partir deste livro, eu fiquei atraído de volta à questão do hábito Keystone da EAB para garantir que estamos oferecendo o melhor programa educacional possível. Para isso, eu tenho lido o trabalho influente de John Hattie sobre comunidades de aprendizagem (learning communities). Em seu livro, Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement, Hattie inverte a abordagem para a melhoria da escola como foco na aprendizagem e não no ensino. Embora isso possa parecer uma simples mudança na linguagem, as implicações são profundas. À medida que continuamos a refletir sobre o Keystone Habits da EAB, a linguagem de Hattie relacionadas com as comunidades de aprendizagem continua a emergir como um conceito importante para conduzir os nossos esforços de melhoria.

Seja uma reflexão sobre os nossos hábitos pessoais ou das organizações que estamos associados , é útil para examinar os hábitos que norteiam nossas ações de cada dia, especialmente se até 45% desses hábitos são realizadas com pouco ou nenhum pensamento.

Featured image: cc licensed ( CC BY 2.0 ) flickr photo by roland:


Change is Not Optional

During this week’s AdvancED conference, Will Richardson, a leader in the area of social online learning networks and education, shared a thought provoking key note address. While the presentation associated with the talk may be difficult to follow out of context, there are striking photos and quotes that may be of interest and can be viewed through the following link: Will Richardson Presentation. In terms of the talk, there are two main points I would like highlight in this posting.

Scarcity versus Abundance

The talk referred to a “period of scarcity” in education when teachers were the keepers of knowledge and bestowed this information on students through traditional schooling structures. Access to information for students relied heavily on classroom settings in brick-and-mortar buildings. This paradigm has been substantially shifted through advances in technology. While students previously accessed information through their teachers and the selection of books in their16148512 classrooms and libraries, students can now access, arguably, the entire sum of human knowledge through a single handheld device.  How do educators transform instructional approaches from a model that addressed scarcity of information to one where there is an overabundance? This is a question without a clear answer, which makes the issue both exciting and formidable. What we do know is that the shift from scarcity to abundance makes schooling look very different from the schooling of today’s adults.

Change is Not an Option

Schools that choose to ignore the transformative societal changes taking place around us do so at their own peril.  Clay Shirky, a writer who focuses on the social and economic effects of Internet technologies, believes that, “the change we are in the middle of isn’t minor…and it isn’t optional.”  Schools will continue to face tremendous challenges as they redefine schooling such that student learning embraces an era of abundance of information, rather than clinging to a model based on a premise of scarcity.  In my current role as a school director, I can assure you that the challenges before us can feel a bit daunting at times. However, these same challenges represent an exciting and important challenge for all educators. Change is not an option given the now ubiquitous presence of technology that is redefining significant aspects of our lives. When referring to learning and technology, Will Richardson stated that students are waiting for adults to catch up to them.  I would modify this statement, as I believe students are not waiting but, rather, rushing forward with or without us. Schools must find a way to lead through this transformation, rather than continuously playing “catch up.

Barry Dequanne

Featured image: cc licensed ( CC BY 2.0 ) flickr photo by Milica Sekulic:


A Remarkable Legacy

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”   ~ Nelson Mandela

I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have lived in Swaziland from 1993-1995, traveled often to South Africa, and developed relationships with so many of the gracious and impassioned people from the region.

Mandela Collage


Photos: Home in Swaziland; Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa

Nelson Mandela’s release from prison and 1994 presidential election represented a euphoric and inspirational time, to say the least. To emerge from 27 lost years in jail with a focus only on peace, reconciliation, and diplomacy is an example for us all as individuals to work towards a better world. His legacy will be as one of the greatest and most remarkable leaders of our time.

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”  ~ Nelson Mandela

RIP Madiba




Um Legado Notável

“Educação é arma mais poderosa que você pode usar para mudar o mundo” – Nelson Mandela

Ao refletir sobre o pilar de liderança da EAB, eu não consigo pensar em uma pessoa que seja mais emblemática aos ideais de liderança da EAB do que o Nelson Mandela. A libertação do Nelson Mandela da prisão e a eleição presidencial de 1994 representaram no mínimo um momento de euforia e inspirador. Para emergir de 27 anos perdidos na cadeia, com o foco apenas na paz, a reconciliação e a diplomacia são um exemplo para todos nós como indivíduos, de como trabalhar para um mundo melhor. Seu legado será ter sido um dos maiores e mais notáveis líderes do nosso tempo.

Mandela Collage

Eu adicionei algumas outras reflexões em um post no meu blog de Diretor Geral:

Ser pela liberdade não é apenas tirar as correntes de alguém, mas viver de forma que respeite e melhore a liberdade dos outros.” Nelson Mandela.

Descanse em paz, Madiba







During my morning arrival to campus earlier this week, I noticed the presence of a woman standing in front of the school carefully scrutinizing everyone entering EAB.  Since I did not recognize the woman and with an obvious concern for security, I approached her and inquired about her presence at the school’s entrance.  The woman’s response was not what I expected to hear. Her name was Edith and before sharing her response to my question, we need to first rewind to the start of this school year.

It was a typical beautiful and sunny August morning in Brasilia when two EAB teachers were crossing the street making their way to school to prepare for classes and the day ahead.  The peacefulness of the morning was abruptly shattered when they witnessed a gruesome pedestrian accident that left a lone woman seriously injured and in desperate need of immediate medical attention.  The two EAB teachers dropped everything and rushed to the aid of the injured woman doing everything possible to comfort and assist her through what could only be described as a traumatic experience for all involved.  Our teachers continued to provide support until professional assistance arrived and rushed her to a hospital.  Since that fateful moment, we have not received any news about the woman’s status.  That is, until this week.

The woman who had the life-threating accident back in August was the same woman who was standing in front of EAB early one morning this week.  When I spoke with Edith, she explained that it took several months of rehabilitation and healing before she could walk again. Now that Edith had recovered from her accident, she had come to EAB in the early morning to personally express her profound gratitude with the two teachers who helped her at the time of the accident.  Since Edith did not know the teachers’ names, she was standing in front of school endeavoring to identify the teachers who demonstrated such high degrees of compassion and kindness.

There are many important reminders and lessons to highlight from this inspiring event, including the connection to several of EAB’s guiding principles.  On that fateful day in August, Edith and EAB’s teachers exemplified our school’s mission to “cultivate responsible and contributing citizens”, modeled the core values of “caring” and “responsibility”, and embodied the ideal of our school’s motto to “cultivate citizenship.”  Perhaps the one summative word to best describe the actions of both EAB’s teachers and Edith’s effort to express her gratitude is “kindness.”

Given the prominence of kindness in our society, it is important to reflect on the role that the parent-school partnership plays with respect to developing kindness in students.  While there is much debate about the teaching of kindness, I am a firm believer that the characteristics associated with kindness can be taught through our own modeling in conjunction with deliberate instructional practices.  The BBC recently published an article titled, “Making Time: Can We Teach Kindness?”, which overviews several experiments that demonstrate how external factors and influences, such as modeling, affects a person’s degree of kindness.  This research clearly supports the belief that kindness can be developed in youth and, given the paramount importance of our collective work towards “cultivating responsible and contributing citizens”, the school-parent partnership to both model and instruct has never been more essential.

An apparently simple act by two EAB teachers has left an indelible impression on Edith that will last a lifetime.  Through our own modeling and instruction, we hope, nay, expect, that our students will continue to exemplify EAB’s ideals through their own acts of kindness and gratitude.  Moreover, it is through these seemingly simple acts that we not only improve the quality of our own lives but also make a positive difference in the lives of others and, expectantly, in our greater community.  Thank you to Edith for modeling gratitude and thank you to EAB’s teachers for modeling an essential element of our school’s mission and purpose.



Ao chegar cedo à escola essa semana, percebi a presença de uma mulher parada em frente à escola e examinando cuidadosamente todos que estavam entrando na EAB. Como não a reconheci e, obviamente, aquilo me preocupou devido à segurança na escola, aproximei-me dela e questionei sua presença. A resposta dela não foi o que eu esperava ouvir. Seu nome é Edith e, antes de dividir a sua resposta, precisamos voltar ao início desse ano letivo.

Era um típico dia bonito e ensolarado, em uma manhã de Agosto em Brasília, quando dois professores da EAB estavam atravessando a L2 Sul, em seu caminho para escola, se preparando para aula e para o dia que eles teriam adiante. A tranquilidade da manhã foi, abruptamente, abalada quando eles testemunharam um acidente horrível, que deixou uma pedestre solitária, gravemente ferida e precisando desesperadamente de ajuda médica imediata. Os dois professores da EAB largaram tudo e correram para ajudar a mulher ferida, fazendo todo o possível para confortá-la e ajudá-la, nesta situação que só poderia ser descrita como uma experiência traumática para todos os envolvidos. Nossos professores continuaram a prestar apoio até que a assistência profissional chegou e a levou imediatamente para um hospital. Desde aquele momento fatídico, não recebemos qualquer notícia sobre a situação da mulher. Isto é, até esta semana.
A mulher que teve a vida ameaçada pelo acidente em agosto era a mesma mulher que estava em pé na frente da EAB logo cedo em uma manhã desta semana. Quando falei com Edith, ela explicou que foram vários meses até a sua reabilitação e cura, antes que ela pudesse voltar a andar. Agora que Edith havia se recuperado de seu acidente, ela veio a EAB, no início da manhã, para expressar, pessoalmente, sua profunda gratidão com os dois professores que a ajudaram no momento do acidente. Até então, Edith não sabia o nome deles, apenas estava de pé na frente da escola se esforçando para identificar os professores que demonstraram tanta compaixão e bondade.
Há muitas lembranças e lições importantes a destacar a partir deste evento inspirador, incluindo a conexão com vários dos princípios orientadores da EAB. Naquele dia fatídico, de agosto, os professores da EAB e a Edith exemplificaram a missão da nossa escola “cultivar cidadãos responsáveis e contribuintes”, revelando os valores fundamentais de “cuidado” e “responsabilidade”, e incorporaram o ideal do lema da nossa escola “cultivar a cidadania”. Talvez a melhor palavra para descrever as ações de ambos os professores da EAB e o esforço da Edith para expressar sua gratidão seja “bondade”.

Dada a importância da bondade em nossa sociedade, é importante refletir sobre o papel que a parceria entre pais e escola desempenha no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento desse sentimento nos estudantes. Embora haja muito debate sobre o ensino da bondade, eu acredito, firmemente, que as características associadas com a bondade podem ser ensinadas através do nosso próprio exemplo, em conjunto com práticas pedagógicas deliberadas. A BBC publicou recentemente um artigo intitulado “Making Time: Podemos ensinar Bondade?”, que dá uma visão geral de várias experiências que demonstram como fatores e influências externas, tais como o exemplo, afeta o grau de bondade de uma pessoa. Esta pesquisa apóia claramente a crença de que a bondade pode ser desenvolvida na juventude e, dada a importância fundamental do nosso trabalho coletivo no sentido de “cultivar cidadãos responsáveis e contribuintes”, a parceria família-escola, tanto como modelo quanto como meio de instrução, nunca foi tão essencial.

Um ato aparentemente simples de dois professores da EAB deixou um sentimento em Edith que vai durar uma vida inteira. Através do nosso próprio exemplo e instrução, esperamos, ou melhor, desejamos que os nossos alunos continuem a exemplificar os ideais da EAB através de seus próprios atos de bondade e gratidão. Além disso, é por meio desses atos, aparentemente simples, que não só melhoramos a qualidade de nossas própias vidas, mas também fazemos uma diferença positiva na vida dos outros e em nossa comunidade. Agradeço a Edith, pelo exemplo de gratidão, e aos professores da EAB pela demonstração desse elemento essencial da missão e propósito da nossa escolar.

Featured image: cc licensed ( BY NC ND 2.0 ) flickr photo by Molly (moominmolly):

High Noon

How do you inspire a generation of students to make a difference?  Simple – publish a book that details the problems of the near future students will face, while underscoring the importance of immediate action.  This is just what Jean-Francois Rischard, a Luxembourgian economist, did through the 2002 publication of his seminal book, High Noon: 20 Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them.  Though he probably did not realize it at the time, his book has served as the catalyst for today’s student-led Global Initiatives Network (GIN).

GIN was founded on the belief that the future belongs to the youth and that complex problems require creative and comprehensive solutions, which can only be realized through effective communication and cooperation. The purpose of GIN is to empower students to collaborate locally and globally to find solutions to the most pressing global problems we face today.

Last week, a team of EAB students and advisors traveled to Quito, Ecuador, to participate in the South America Quito 2013 GIN Conference and work with other students towards finding solutions to the challenges outlined in High Noon.  While Jean-Francois Rischard could not attend the conference, he did send a video recording to share his most recent thoughts associated with our global challenges.  Mr. Rischard frames our future using the modified Dickensian phrase, “it will be the best of times and the worst of times”.  While his work as the World Bank’s vice president for Europe from 1998 to 2005 provided Mr. Rischard with a unique perspective on the future, I do hope he is wrong about what will constitute the “worst of times”, as outlined in his video.

It is my optimistic belief that the “worst of times” will be avoided, not due to a naive, Pollyannaish view of the future, but rather through the conviction and actions of organizations, such as GIN, that support and empower students to make a positive difference.  As Margaret Mead states, “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

At last week’s GIN conference, a “small group of thoughtful and committed EAB students and advisors” contributed to the collaborative dialogues towards solving societies greatest challenges.  Our students, buoyed by EAB’s whole child education, which focuses on leadership and environmental stewardship, arts and activities, and academic excellence, represented our community at the highest level of achievement.  From EAB Goes Green to the Eduartes program, a student initiative to provide Brazilian public school classes with arts education, EAB’s students are applying their leadership skills in an effort to solve both local and global problems.

It is true that the road ahead is fraught with challenges and the end of Mr. Rishard’s twenty-year window is fast approaching.  However, it is possible for the “best of times” to still be before us through the concerted efforts of adults in conjunction with the realization of whole-child educational programs and the support of important organizations, such as GIN, where students are empowered to affect positive change.

Barry Dequanne

Image Credit: Global Issues Network Website

Jean-Francois Rischard’s Twenty Global Problems

Issues involving the global commons

Issues requiring a global commitment

Issues needing a global regulatory approach

1. Global warming2. Biodiversity and ecosystem losses3. Fisheries depletion

4. Deforestation

5. Water deficits

6. Maritime safety and pollution

7. Massive step-up in the fight against poverty8. Peacekeeping, conflict prevention, combating terrorism9. Education for all

10. Global infectious diseases

11. Digital Divide

12. Natural disaster prevention and mitigation

13. Reinventing taxation for the 21st century14. Biotechnology rules15. Global financial architecture

16. Illegal drugs

17. Trade, investment, and competition rules

18. Intellectual property rights

19. E-commerce rules

20. International labor and migration rules

Como você inspira uma geração de alunos a fazer a diferença? Simples – publique um livro que detalha os problemas que os alunos vão enfrentar em um futuro próximo sem deixar de ressaltar a importância de uma ação imediata. Isso é exatamente o que Jean-francois Rischard, um economista de Luxemburgo, fez durante as suas publicações de 2002 do seu livro, High Noon: 20 Global Problems, 20 years to Solve Them. Embora ele provavelmente não tenha percebido isso na época, seu livro serviu como catalisador para os estudantes de hoje Global Initiatives Network (GIN).

A GIN foi fundada baseada na crença de que o futuro pertence aos jovens e que problemas complexos exigem soluções criativas e abrangentes, que só podem ser realizadas através de uma comunicação eficaz e de cooperação. O objetivo do GIN é capacitar os alunos a colaborar localmente e globalmente para encontrar soluções para os problemas globais mais urgentes que enfrentamos atualmente.

Na semana passada, um grupo de alunos e conselheiros da EAB viajou para Quito – Equador, para participar da Quito 2013 GIN Conference, da América do Sul, e trabalhar com outros alunos no sentido de encontrar soluções para os desafios descritos no High-Noon. Enquanto Jean-François Rischard não pôde comparecer à conferência, ele mandou uma gravação de  vídeo para compartilhar os seus pensamentos mais recentes associados aos nossos desafios globais. O Sr. Rischard enquadra o nosso futuro usando a frase modificada Dickensiana, “Será o melhor dos tempos e o pior dos tempos”.Embora seu trabalho como vice-presidente do Banco Mundial para a Europa de 1998-2005, deu ao Sr. Rischard uma perspectiva única sobre o futuro, eu espero que ele esteja errado sobre o que constitui o “pior dos tempos”, conforme descrito em seu vídeo.

É a minha convicção otimista de que o “pior dos tempos” será evitado, não devido a uma visão ingênua Pollyanística do futuro, mas sim através da convicção e ações das organizações, tais como a GIN, que suportam e capacitam os alunos para fazer uma diferença positiva. Como Margaret Mead afirma: “Nunca duvide que um pequeno grupo de cidadãos preocupados e comprometidos possa mudar o mundo, na verdade, é a única coisa que já foi capaz de mudar.”

Na conferência da GIN na semana passada, um “pequeno grupo de alunos e conselheiros, atenciosos e comprometidos da EAB”, contribuiu para os diálogos colaborativos para resolver os maiores desafios das sociedades. Nossos alunos, apoiados pela educação da criança na EAB, que incide sobre a liderança e administração ambiental, artes e atividades, e excelência acadêmica, representaram nossa comunidade no mais alto nível de realização. De EAB Goes Green para o programa Eduartes, uma iniciativa de estudantes para fornecer aulas de educação artística para escolas públicas brasileiras, os alunos da EAB estão aplicando suas habilidades de liderança em um esforço para resolver os problemas locais e globais.

É verdade que o caminho é repleto de desafios e o final da janela de vinte anos do Sr. Rishard está se aproximando rapidamente. No entanto, é possível que o “melhor dos tempos” ainda esteja diante de nós através de esforços concertados dos adultos em conjunto com a realização de programas de educação da criança como um todo e com o apoio de organizações importantes, como a GIN, onde os alunos são capacitados para afetar a mudança positiva.

Barry Dequanne


Vinte problemas globais de Jean-Francois Rischard

Questões que envolvem os bens comuns globais

Questões que exigem um compromisso mundial

Questões que necessitam de uma abordagem regulatória mundial

1. Aquecimento Global;2. Biodiversidade e perda dos ecossistemas;3. Esgotamento das pescas

4. Desmatamento;

5. Déficits hídricos

6. Segurança marítima e poluição;

7. Progresso massivo na luta contra a pobreza;8. Manutenção da paz, a prevenção de conflitos, luta contra o terrorismo;9. Educação para todos;

10. Doenças infecciosas globais;

11. Lacuna Digital;

12. Prevenção de desastres naturais e mitigação;

13. Reinventando a tributação para o século 21;14. Regras de biotecnologia;15. Arquitetura financeira global;

16. As drogas ilegais;

17. Comércio, investimento e regras de concorrência;

18. Direitos de propriedade intelectual;

19. Regras de comércio eletrônico;

20. Trabalho Internacional e regras de migração.

Image Credit: Global Issues Network Website